25 أكتوبر 2017


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سيتم افتتاح أكبر أرشيف من المواد التاريخية في العالم للتصوير الفوتوغرافي من تاريخ السوفيت وأوروبا الشرقية والصين

Tass Sovfoto Photograph Collection

جماليات لصورة

أفغانستان للدكتور جيمس أتكينسون الذي نجي بمصيره من مذبحة للجيش البريطاني تعداده 16 الف بالكامل

Afghanistan  to Dr. James Atkinson, who survived the massacre of the British army of 16 thousand in full

مضيفة سوفيتية 1977

نظرة على طريقة الحياة السوفيتية المحظورة سابقا من قبل كي جي بي

A look at the Soviet way of life previously banned by KGB

وجوه من أفغانستان

19 أكتوبر 2017

حديقة الجنون

"Fou Fou" is the first track from the Album "Jardin au Fou", is the second solo album by German keyboardist Hans-Joachim Roedelius, best known for his work with Cluster. The title is French for "Garden of Madness", was recorded from April through July, 1978 at Paragon Studios in Berlin, Germany

كاليفورنيا العربية للزيت القياسي (أرامكو)

This collection follows Joseph Mountain's aviation career as a U.S. Air Service pilot, aerial surveyor, photographer, and writer. It includes photographic negatives and prints, diaries and flight log books, reports, and maps. Mountain's photographs from his service in Saudi Arabia, taken not long before the great oil discoveries at Dammam in 1938

اشتياق الملك الأفغاني أحمد الدراني

أنا أنسى عرش دلهي حينما أتذكر قمم الجبال في الأراضي الأفغانية - اشتياق الملك الأفغاني أحمد الدراني في دلهي
By blood, we are immersed in love of you.
The youth lose their heads for your sake.
I come to you and my heart finds rest.
Away from you, grief clings to my heart like a snake.
I forget the throne of Delhi
when I remember the mountain tops of my Afghan land.
If I must choose between the world and you,
I shall not hesitate to claim your barren deserts as my own.

عالم بلا مدرسون

تجربة جامعة يونيتييرا في وﻻية واهاكا المكسيك
Reclaiming Our Freedom to Learn

15 أكتوبر 2017

08 أكتوبر 2017

أوليا جلبي أدب الرحلات في العهد العثماني

the 17th Century an Ottoman traveller – Evliya Celebi – was inspired by a dream to embark on a journey across the Ottoman Empire.  He travelled far and wide across Europe and North Africa and wrote extensively about his adventures in Seyahatname – “Book of Travels

أطول طريق تجاري في العالم القديم،طريق الشاي

Tea Horse Road by Michael Freeman
The longest commercial road in the ancient world, Tea Road
The Ancient Tea Horse Road (in China) was a trade route mainly through Yunnan, Sichuan, and Tibet. From the 6th century to the 20th century, people in Sichuan and Yunnan provinces traveled by foot and horseback with pack horses to exchange tea for horses with people in Tibet — and thus the pathway was called the Tea Horse Road.

كاوتسكى -الدين والصراع الطبقى

قصص وصراعات الثوريين الذين قاتلوا للإطاحة بحكم ماركوس الدكتاتورية

documentary about the stories, struggles, and victories of young revolutionaries who fought to overthrow the brutal Marcos dictatorship in the Philippines and started a revolution that continues to this day

صنداي تايمز

عدم توافق الغرب والشرق في رحلة دوستويفسكي

This is a tragicomic story about the last living descendant of the legendary Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky - St. Petersburg tram driver Dmitri Dostoyevsky. The film tells about Dmitry's trip to Western Europe, where he meets noble humanists, aristocrats, monarchists, plays in a casino in Baden-Baden, trying to earn money for a second-hand Mercedes. "Travels of Dostoevsky" is simultaneously an adventure adventure and reflection on the incompatibility of the West and the East

04 أكتوبر 2017

القاعة الموسيقية دار أوكسترا إلبه هامبورغ

The Elbphilharmonie It is one of the largest and most acoustically advanced concert halls in the world .The new glassy construction resembles a hoisted sail, water wave or quartz crystal

03 أكتوبر 2017

رحلات الهجرة - ديفيد أتينبارا

Blue Planet II : The Prequel
David Attenborough - The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder

01 أكتوبر 2017

مذكرات روسية - موسكو في عام 1947

We saw how and assumed that Russian people are also people, and like all others, they are very good." Those with whom we met hate the war, they are striving for what everyone wants : live well, safe and peaceful.We know that this diary will not satisfy anyone. The left will say that it is anti-Russian, the right-that it is pro-Russian. Of course, these notes are somewhat superficial, but how else? We do not draw any conclusions, except that Russian people are the same as all other people on earth. Of course, there are bad ones among them, but there are many more good ones. "

أسد القفقاس

أنا الفقير شامل وابنه الفقير غازي ( أسد القفقاس وصقر الجبال) - لجورج ويلهلم تيم رسام الامبراطورية الروسية
Lion of the Caucasus and mountain falcon

الصين الجديدة

China's Modern Sketch 1937

الفضاء سيكون لنا

Space will be ours