
15 فبراير 2014

ظلال الأسلاف المنسيين

آرثر ميلر: «المهرج هو حقيقة الإنسان، إنه يمثل كل ما في مهزلة الحياة من سخرية. وهو الرمز الأكثر قدرة على التعبير عن العمق الحقيقي للوجود»
Previously – Posters 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
Yengibarov Brothers
balances on their hands

I'll give you a star rain
In everyone's life there are star rains, clean and amazing, if not days, then at least a rare watch, full of starlight, or even minutes, even moments are necessarily happen, because we all know. ..
Remember when you committed the act ... the proudest
day and hour when you saw the man who became a favorite ...
Mig delight of meeting with art ...
Happy minutes of laughter, dispel grief and pain ...
And many -many ablaze epiphany moments of our lives people call stellar.
I give you a star rain.
Look, it drops I brought you in his hands. "

      Leonid Yengibarov

 Photo Gallery

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