
13 سبتمبر 2014

Society of the Spectacle 1973

مجتمع الفرجه أو المشهد-الغرب ودبي اليوم تمثل الحالة الحقيقية للمواطنين في مجتمع الفرجة في واقع خرسانة الاغتراب كما تدارالجماعية في ظل ظروف رأسمالية متوترة وقلق . "أبدا بما فيه الكفاية" الشعار الذي رفعته دبي والغرب والنتيجة تسليع المجتمع برمته من الأخلاق
The Spectacle is a social relation of false consciousness mediated by images
Extreme Guy Debord
The citizen consumes to survive, Therefore, a survival principle based around the fear of scarcity propels consumption and production. This ensures the all important creation of surplus value. The principle of the Spectacle is one of ‘never enough’. The result is a massive excess of unnecessary commodification in the name of protecting the society of the Spectacle from the horrors of scarcity. Production and consumption equals capital and capital is the universal abstraction of the Spectacle. The Spectacle is the capability of the society as a whole (as the total abstraction of the possible). Capital = image =  Spectacle = money as universal equivalent = the possible.

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