
11 سبتمبر 2014

War is beautiful !

War is beautiful because—thanks to its gas masks, its terrifying megaphones, its flame throwers
and light tanks—it establishes Man’s domination over the subjugated machine

War is beautiful because it inaugurates the dreamed-of metallization of the human body

War is beautiful because it enriches a flowering meadow with fiery orchids of machine guns

War is beautiful because it combines gunfire, barrages, cease fires, scents, and the fragrance of putrefaction into a symphony

War is beautiful because it creates new architectures, like those of armored tanks, geometric squadrons of aircraft, spirals of smoke from burning villages, and much more

Poets and artists of Futurism, remember these principles of an aesthetic of War, that they may illuminate your struggles for a new poetry and a new sculpture!

 F.T. Marinetti. The first Rivethead.

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