
08 يناير 2016

حجاب لينين

اكتشاف صورة مثير لـ لينين في عام 1925، يرتدي ملابس المرأة جنبا إلى جنب مع ناتاشا، والسفر إلى الحدود الفنلندية. توضح الحالة النفسية الحرجة للينين القديم، وبالتالي يمكننا أن نفهم شغفه المرضية للملابس النسائية
Lenin in 1925, dressed in woman’s clothes together with his daughter Natasha, is traveling to the Finnish border. We know the critical mental status of the old Lenin, therefore we can understand his morbid passion for female clothes, as well as his desire to see once more before his death, and so that his little daughter might also see the nostalgic scene of his youth, where he first met his friend Stalin

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