
05 مارس 2016

تتبع اختطاف الطائرات منذ 1970

وكان خطف الطائرات لها إمكانات قوية للاستغلال السياسي. مع قدرتها على السرعة والانطلاق، كانت الطائرات قادرة على تخطي الحدود السياسية وتقويض مفهوم الدولة
بين عامي 1947 و 1950 كان هناك موجة من عمليات الخطف التي تنطوي على عبور الستار الحديدي-الفجوة العدائية بين "الكتلة الشرقية" و "الغرب الرأسمالي". 
hijacking planes had strong potential for political exploitation. With their capacity for speed and lift-off, planes were able to transgress political boundaries and undermine the concept of nationhood

Between 1947 and 1950 there was a rash of hijackings involving the crossing of the Iron Curtain—the hostile divide between the "Eastern bloc" and the "capitalist West". Vocabulary evolved accordingly: skyjackers fleeing from east to west were "freedom fighters" or "political refugees", while those seizing planes to go the other way were branded as criminals and spies. By 1958, The Times had adopted the term 'hijack' to describe the act of commandeering a plane. The word was popularized during the Prohibition in the US when one bootlegger, while robbing another, would invariably say: "Hi, Jack, raise your hands

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