
06 فبراير 2017

ألو ألو ياأمم

لو فرض تم اتصال مع الأهبل سيكون الاقتباس لقصيدة هجائية كتبها كورني تشوكوفسكي "الهاتف"

If we assume was crazy new America and Putin will be connected to quote a satirical poem by K.Chukovsky "phone"
"Putin's telephone conversation with Trump" (based on a poem K.Chukovsky "Telephone")
Russian actor Mikhail Yefremov presented to the public the poem "Telefonograma" poet Andrei Orlov, better known as "Orlusha."
A satirical poem written by a poem Korney Chukovsky "Phone".
Efremov read satirical poems in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the creation of the All-Russian political public movement "Democratic Russia" in Moscow
"And the phone rang in the Kremlin
Who is this?
- Where it is necessary. Invite to the tube Assad
- You do not get there, we do not break
- This terrible Assad podter democracy ass
- Well, what of it?
- Then Call Vova
- Vova not at home
-'re Lying
- Vova is now at work
And where Vova works

- Everywhere! When disaster struck, Vova went to work there. Now his work in the galleys of the Caspian fleet ... "

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