
10 سبتمبر 2017

جورج هارت

جورج  هارت  اجتاز الصحراء الكبرى بالسيارة وقطع أفريقية من شمالها إلى جنوبها ثم  اجتياز آسيا بالسيارة حتي أفغانستان - غرض الرحلة بالصحراء إقامة خط سكة حديد بين المستعمرات الفرنسية في شمال أفريقيا ومدغشقر التي كانت تعتبر أرض فرنسية معزولة في المحيط الهندي
Trans Asiatic Harrdt Cintrogen Expedition sponsored by National Geographic and undertaken by Harrdt with his French team. During early 1920s Harrdt had traversed the Sahara  in his half track vehicles designed by Andre Citrogen . On April 4th 1931 with seven specially designed cintrogen half tracks Harrdt set off from Beirut in Lebanon in an attempt to reach yellow sea by roughly following the route of Marco Polo’s journey seven centuries earlier
 The expedition was supposed to cross the Asia from Beirut to Beijing,avoiding the Pamirs through Soviet Turkish republics in one  set of half tracks,but Soviet refusal to permit the expedition through their territory the expedition had to be divided ; one set of seven half tracks assembled on east coast of China and moved westwards and another set of seven half tracks moved from Mediterranean through Lebanon,Syria, Iraq,Iran, Afghanistan to Srinagar in India covering a distance of 5,580 kms  from Beirut to Srinagar in 81 days  between April  4th April to 31st June 1931

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