
07 سبتمبر 2017

هار ديال

كانت الحياة الشرقية في برلين خلال الحرب خلابة جدا كانت هناك جميع دول الشرق في شوارع برلين: المغرورون الأتراك الشباب والمسيحون المصريون والفارسيون المتشددون والمتشائمون والعرب برلين كانت مكة الوطنية وكانت صلاتهم المشتركة كراهية إنجلترا وفرنسا
Oriental life in Berlin during the war was quite picturesque and many-sided. But it was something of a tragedy, as I shall have occasion to show in the sequel. There were all nations of the East in the streets of Berlin: conceited Young Turks, fussy Egyptians, acute but pessimistic Persians, nondescript Arabs, handsome Georgians and others, who fancied that the triumph of German arms would redress the wrongs of their countries. Berlin was the Mecca of Oriental patriots of all shades of opinion. Their common bond was hatred of England and France

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