
12 نوفمبر 2017

تسجيلات الموت الدعائية

الروس في ستالينغراد استخدموا دعاية موجهة للالمان death tango أو صوت أنثى قائلا "كل 7 ثوان يموت جندي ألماني - ستالينغراد مقبرة جماعية"
Russians in WW2, at Stalingrad. They 24/7 played records called "death tango" or a female voice saying "every 7 seconds dies a german soldier - stalingrad mass grave"

استخد الجيش الامريكي في حرب كوريا دعاية نفسية من خرافاتهم تسمي الروح المتجولة تحتوي اصوات استغاثات ناس قبل الموت
Operation wandering soul” was apropaganda campaign used by the US military during the Vietnam war. Four minute long ghostly audio files were blasted from the speakers of helicopters to distract the enemy, playing on the Vietnamese superstitious belief of the “wandering soul”, which was basically the idea that any person who did not die in their homeland and was not properly buried would wander around as a wailing ghost forevermore

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