إذا أردنا أن نعرف شيئا عما كانت عليه بعض حياة
هؤلاء النساء ... لا يمكننا أن نفعل ما هو أفضل من الاستماع إلى كلماتهم الخاصة من
خلال أغانيهم، غنت هؤلاء النساء عن أفراحهن وأحزانهن من محاولة بدء الحياة في عالم
جديد.، المهاجرين اليابانيين الذين عملوا في حقول قصب السكر في هاواي في أواخر القرن
التاسع عشر وأوائل القرن العشرين.
“If we want to know something of
what some of these womenʻs lives were like…we could do no better than to listen to their own
words, as expressed through song.” The women that Professor Yano is referring to are Japanese immigrants
who worked in Hawaii’s sugarcane
fields in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Through their canefield
songs, or holehole bushi, these women sang about their joys and sorrows of
trying to start life in a new world. Hosted and narrated by ukulele virtuoso
Jake Shimabukuro, the film tells the story of music teacher Harry Urata, and
his efforts to record, preserve and perpetuate these musical oral histories.
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