04 نوفمبر 2012

وأنتَ اللي تعلم وأنا أجهل .. فيه إيه أجمل ؟

She promised to follow him to the end of the earth. He promised to organize it

Gone with the Wind
Bob Light and John Houston
Hampton, Connecticut

A poster parodying the relationship between President Ronald Reagan and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s.

المصدر مركز الدراسات للرسوم السياسية
From the Center for the Study of Political Graphics.

Reagan and Thatcher,political soul mates
Leaders of conviction with congruent views
Thatcher biographer Hugo Young called their relationship “the most enduring personal alliance in the
Western world throughout the 1980s.”

 See the rest of the details

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