29 يناير 2014


King Amanullah cinema posters 1927


والريحُ تعبثُ بالغصونِ وقد جرى ذهبُ الأصيلِ على لُجينِ المــاءِ

Purely Pacific Northwest

The Art of Time Lapse
Life in colors
All Video

أضْحَى التّنائي بَديلاً عنْ تَدانِينَا،   وَنَابَ عَنْ طيبِ لُقْيانَا تجافينَا

The Russian Hercules

يوقف على زنده التيس
Ivan Poddubny
Is the person, whose life experience is passed from generation to generation, like saying - no future people of inferior people. That person, of course, was a great athlete John Piddubny
Photos by Alexander Sasse
Poster Boxing - School of courage 

The Blue Gold Shore of the Beyond

Let's not try to understand the music of the mind. Let's just naturally and let the bird fly music in our sky-heart

Chandra Ma
Nai Nai Nai
This combination of ancient mantric chants and eastern melodies with their treatment in the European style of music . Musicians use a fantastic amount of instruments, mainly ethnic - here and bagpipe and flute, and harmonium , and bells and singing bowls, and even seashell


Dejneka Alexander Alexandrovich (1899-1969)
 1927 African hunters
 1926 On the construction of new plants

19th Century

India In The 19th Century. Part II

Njet Molotoff

Is Finnish War-time Propaganda song
and tomorrow in Helsinki we will eat a ice-cream

Dream - Poster

Let's build he Soviet dirigible! 
Would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon
We could float among the stars together, you and I
The world's a nicer place in my beautiful balloon
We can sing a song and sail along the silver sky... For we can fly

Category: Airplanes
Hindenburg Disaster Real Footage

Down tip 925

Poster in Arabic. Unknown artist


V. Suryaninov. Poster. 1955


Theatre Sculpture Mosaics
Baikal-Amur-Main-Line is the construction of the century

27 يناير 2014

25 يناير 2014


What a day, what more wonderful
Our work is inspired, our overall growth
Suppose fields covered with gold bread
let our hammers soar to the sky
We forge joy we sing about happiness

المشروع الياباني الأضخم والأندر والاجمل

Sex, Politics, Style 1960s

Looking at Gender, Antonioni, and the Soviet Sixties
الحياة مغامرة جريئة أو لا شيء - كان يمثل التحدي في العصر السوفيتي


Arab Image Foundation
Yazidis workers. Iraq / Nasiriya

وهران وهران رحتي خساره

يا اللي ماشين ليها غادي وصوا يتهلوا في بلادي
The last years of French Algeria

ودَدْتُ لو زَرَعُـوني فيـكِ مِئـذَنَـةً

إن كان الوطن هو أن يرتجف الفقير مثل الكلب وتنتابه الحمى صيفا وشتاء فانني أخون الوطن
Pascal Sebah File - arab - turkey 1870
Yalancının BirineKapıldı - Ergin Kızılay                        
Les costumes populaires de la Turquie en 1873
Geçsin Günler Haftalar - Ergin Kızılay
Palais de Gézyret, Pavillon Extérieur, 1870s

Savage racist by Western civilization

النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّه عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ: كُلُّهُمْ بَنُو آدَمَ وَآدَمُ خُلِقَ مِنْ تُرَابٍ
Paris Museum Exhibition
African child in A HUMAN ZOO (Negro village) IN AMSTERDAM

Dear Storonushka

 Congratulations and greeting cards for alloccasions
We invite all our friends
Come and visit us

Shi dai man hua

Colgate University Libraries. Special Collections

Crtoon Art 30s

The Golden Era of Cartoon Art


روائع الفن الغربي – وهي لوحات من عصر النهضة والعصور اللاحقة كل طريق للوصول الى نهاية القرن 19
Rino Stefano Tagliafierro
Masterpieces of Western Art To Life
namely paintings from the Renaissance and subsequent eras all the way through to the end of the 19th century

All Photo Movie
GIF images

Portrait of Bedouin man

Silver Gallery Israel
Bedouin 1920s , Yosef Schweig 1905-1984


رب أشعث أغبر مدفوع بالأبواب لو أقسم على الله لاأبره

Desert Arabs

The Library of Nineteenth-Century Photography
وهجيرٌ وأصيل وطلوعٌ وأفول ثم نبقى في ذهول ساهمات
Travel Film Archive
All Video


حياة الناس في المجتمعات المكسيكية الأمريكية - مشروع
The Study of the Spanish-Speaking People of Texas

You see, the sky darkened, bright windows flashed a row

Not for nothing are you wearing
                     your very best outfit

1934 to 1937 New World

Goose-Egg Chic
 The Struggle for the Crown of the Ocean


Urban Merchants of Sex


Alfons Himmelreich
Portrait for Dubek cigarette advert


Paul Outerbridge, The Shower, 1937