28 فبراير 2014


و هنا رجل ما زال يعمل من أجل ابتسامة منك ..الايمان
 Leonard Cohen 
Uri Dan photograph Kippur War 1973 Leonard Cohen Performing
I Am A Hotel 
A big part of my life has been about overcoming depression. But as far as I could see, there was nothing to be depressed about, and that was                                                                                                                       

"You know, it is a sickness, and it is fun to joke about it, but it isn’t funny when you are in the middle of the depression. I amnot unique. Many people have to endure living under the same conditions of life. But it was hard for me to examine the depression in depth because I had success, I was distinguished, I had a gift and a reasonable talent, I was able to see things through and I had close relations to other people and wonderful friendships. I felt that I was a real asshole because I wasn’t happy, but I wasn’t able to be happy. I had a deep sense of suffering that influenced most of my life. Most of my activities were about drinking, taking drugs, courting women or flirting with religious studies. With all this I tried to confront this depression that I simply couldn’t penetrate                                                                  

Jewish Gangs

A member of kibbutz Ma'abarot on guard duty


 ....And peace be upon you, O Fallujah
America's mystery man in Iraq


وريانة الأعطاف عاطشة الخصر
Earlier - compared with Russians 1 , 2
BDM Girls

Trude Mohr was appointed the first Reichsreferentin in June 1934

Our volk need a generation of girls which is healthy in body and mind, sure and decisive, proudly and confidently going forward, one which assumes its place in everyday life with poise and discernment, one free of sentimental and rapturous emotions, and which, for precisely this reason, in sharply defined feminity, would be the comrade of a man, because she does not regard him as some sort of idol but rather as a companion! Such girls will then, by necessity, carry the values of National Socialism into the next generation as the mental bulwark of our people.

Hitler Youth: Bund Deutscher Mädel

الحب هتلر

Hansi: The Girl Who Loved the Swastika

27 فبراير 2014

Collections of Palestinian anti-Israeli Posters

Yehuda Amachai
Inside the brand-new museum

Arabs and Arab leaders caricatures of Dutch magazines of the 1950s - 80s
Their military threats against Israel never stops 1960
Egyptian President Nasser: following the Eichmann 1962
Nasser - the leadership of the Federal Republic of Germany: Now give up his supply of arms to Israel 1965
 Tattered his coach Nasser Gromyko: Hold me, hold me, and I will do anything to him now 1967
 Football in Arabic: a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye 1969
 War and Peace in the Middle East 1970

Warli Painting

In harmony with Nature
The Art of Warli painting from Maharashtra

Space Dog

أحد العلماء المسؤولين عن إرسال لايكا إلى الفضاء، عن ندمه للسماح بموتها حيث صرّح:
إن العمل مع الحيوانات مصدر عذاب لنا جميعا. نحن نعاملها كالأطفال العاجزة عن النطق. وكلّما مر المزيد من الوقت، كلما ازداد أسفي على ما حصل. ما كان يجب علينا أن نفعل ذلك... لم نتعلّم مافيه الكفاية من هذه المهمّة حتى نبرر موت الكلبة.

The Money Order

Opening scene from Mandabi
father of African film Ousmane Sembène

Neocolonialism is passed on culturally, through the cinema. And that’s why African cinema is being controlled from Paris, London, Lisbon, Rome, and even America. And that’s why we see almost exclusively the worst French, American, and Italian films. Cinema from the beginning has worked to destroy the native African culture and the myths of our heroes. A lot of films have been made about Africa, but they are stories of European and American invaders with Africa serving as a decor. Instead of being taught our ancestry, the only thing we know is Tarzan. And when we do look on our past, there are many among us who are not flattered, who perceive Africa with a certain alienation learned from the cinema. Movies have infused a European style of walking, a European style of doing. Even African gangsters are inspired by the cinema.

What Is Essential Is Invisible To The Eye

Will you be my neighbor
Propel, propel, propel your craft softly down liquid solution. Ecstatically, ecstatically, ecstatically, ecstatically, existence is simply illusion
Fred Rogers Acceptance Speech - 1997

All Alone in the Night

Astronomy Picture of the Day
The Cloudy Cores of Active Galaxies
Image NASA's
وكهذي الأرض الصغيرة كم أرض على نفسها لحين تدور
ما لها لا ولا لحي عليها من خلود إن الحياة عبور
خل هذي الأفلاك تجري إلى ما لست تدري وغن يا عصفور

Babylon Jews

I was Iraqi and that was it. I was Iraqi, a Jewish Iraqi. They always went 
together; I am Iraqi, I am Jewish

Baghdad Twist
 documentary by Jewish Iraqi-Canadian filmmaker Joe Balass

26 فبراير 2014

أغـــــــــاني من أفـــــــــريقيا

لا وسام ...لا وشاح...لا راية..ولا لقب...لا شيء
في يدي..لا شيء في فمي
أجيء في نهار.. اجيء والشمس ...أجيء لاهث..
مثل معادن البحار..مثل كنوز الأرض.

Tomo Križnar
DAR FUR War for Water documentary, part 7 of 7
Soldiers in blue helmets cannot be depended on anymore to save the native population. Nobody is prepared to die for Africans

25 فبراير 2014

"People Are Strange"

People are strange when you're a stranger
Florida State University: Toward a Greater University
HWY: An American Pastoral
The Doors Movie Trailer 1991

Slave market

Previously 1 , 2
Paul Nadar. From Turkey to Turkestan. 1890
Russian Turkestan. History, people, manners

Cinema Circus

Animated Soviet Propaganda - Fascist Barbarians: Cinema Circus

Interplanetary revolution

Interplanetary Revolution 1924
an implication that communism is a universally permeating force - they are aware but unrepentant of their greed's cruelty

Travel and Exploration

Catalogue: Pioneers of Photography III

1934 Imperialists

Irakli Toidze Moiseevich
Imperialists are preparing a new war against the country councils, 1934

Red Army Soldier

Koretsky VB
All my hope is you, red soldier! - Koretsky V.B
 white army, black baron - English Sub
We are fanning the flames of the world! Church and prison bulldoze"

War songs


The Communists, Young Communists, Shock-Workers

خبز وحشيش وقمر

الخبز للجائع أدم كله
Moscow Union of Artists
Bread is coming. Strike a crushing blow to the Kulak and the speculator who are sabotaging the grain collection plans


Previously 1,2
It would Make a Cat Laugh

Atheism posters

أيها الغرّ إنْ خُصِصْتَ بعقلٍ فاتّبعْهُ ، فكلّ عقلٍ نبي
Soviet Antireligious Propaganda
Are you inquiring about the real existence of criminal conspiracy? Look here it is! Right in front of you! This organization is the Orthodox Church itself

Finished with terrestrial tsars - will start with celestial now

Posters Unknown

Rare Collection Posters- Uzbek
 The capitalism allies such as ishans, mullhams and bais shall not ever bring back the old ways. Discard your religion and move forward!
 Only the Soviet Government leads Western and Eastern proletarians towards liberation
 Peasant! Go to the re-election of the village council
 Modern - Symbolic-Allegorical poster
 Long live the land reform
In Uzbek