29 سبتمبر 2017

نظام التنقل بين الكواكب

Ilon Mask spoke at the International Astronautical Congress, an annual event at which the leading companies and representatives of the aerospace industry share their plans. It should be noted - if last year Ilon spoke about finding money for such an event, today it was said that "money has already been found" to Interplanetary Transport System

27 سبتمبر 2017

أشياء عظيمة

ريتشارد فينمان آخر رحلة - جمهورية توفا السوفيتية التي لم تتحقق قامت بالرحلة ابنته 2009
Tuva or Bust! is a book by Ralph Leighton about the author and his friend Richard Feynman's attempt to travel to Tuva. which had become a republic in the Soviet Union. They made it a goal to travel there, which, for Americans in the late 1970s and early 1980s, was extremely difficult

Feynman never managed to get to Tuva. Instead of him, the trip was realized by his daughter Michelle, who travelled to Tuva on June 8, 2009

26 سبتمبر 2017

الحرب الباردة، الولايات المتحدة وروسيا والفن السياسي

Conflict and propaganda go hand in hand. During the Cold War the U.S. and Russia both produced political art bashing the other side, and some of that art has reached collector status today. We have an example above and below—a Soviet pamphlet featuring ink drawings by famed illustrator Alexander Moiseevich Zhytomyr attacking various aspects of the U.S., including capital punishment, mass incarceration, and nuke

24 سبتمبر 2017

How did the 2017 from Soviet 1960

صور 1960 ذروة الشيوعية توضح التنبؤ الخيالي للجنة الشيوعية المثالية للاتحاد السوفيتي عام 2017
Amazing 1960S propaganda images show how the Soviet Union thought the world would look in 2017 

الزعيم الشيوعي الألماني ارنست ثالمان

"Ernst Thälmann - Son of his Class"

التحالف الأنجلو-سوفيتي 1941

Anglo-Soviet Alliance, 1941

اتجاهات الفن المعاصر

زغرب كرواتيا 1961-1973 في ذروة الحرب الباردة انشاء الاتجاهات الجديدة للفن المعاصر
During the period 1961-1973, five international exhibitions were organized under the title New Tendencies in Zagreb, Croatia/Yugoslavia. They continued the development of ideas raised by Exat 51 during the 1950s, and formed part of the broader European post-informel art movement in the 1960s and 70s.


دعاية مثيرة ورخيصة من قبل الروس - عندما يشعر المستعمرين بالاستياء العميق من أن الدول المستعمرة لا تحترم نير الأبوية
colonialists who are deeply resentful that neighboring nations do not respect the paternalistic yoke

مليشيا الاناث - الصين

Fujian female militia

الصين 1930- 1980

Women Making Posters, 1967
Studying a model opera

من كتب علاء الدين؟ القصة السورية المنسية

Who “wrote” Aladdin? The Forgotten Syrian Storyteller

يشبه لورنس العرب، ولكن في مورمانسك

Fairytale of the Three Bears

الشتاء في روسيا

Top Winter Destinations in Russia for 2017

مؤشر البؤس البشري

معظم هؤلاء الناس يموتون وحيدا لذلك تخرج الثورة الأسوأ الذي لم يكن متوقعا - اليؤس البشري
Because no one ever went broke expecting the worst of people, which makes them behave accordingly. Most such people die lonely or spiritually destroyed, but not broke. And as you say, you can measure wealth. You can't measure companionship. You can't measure peace of mind. You can't measure affection. You can't measure satisfaction or contentment. So the people who like to get the highest score, who are usually pushy assholes, are the ones who also measure their lives in cash, or assets that can be converted to cash in a pinch

العالم لا يكفي 2

أرشيف فورمان

Werner Forman Archive

A Modern Revolutionary Ballet

بلاد فارس 1870-1890

17 سبتمبر 2017


Halya is carrying water

ألبوم صور للمظاهرات التي جرت في فلسطين 1933

ألبوم  المظاهرات في فلسطين عام ١٩٣٣ نشره مكتب الصحافة والنشر لصاحبه ثيودور صروف
Album Photographs of the demonstrations which took place in Palestine 1933

الارهاب البوذي

هزيمة الفرنسيين في دين بين فو : رهبان الحرب الباردة : البوذية واستراتيجية أميركا السرية
When the U.S. Government Tried to Fight Communism With Buddhism

أرشيف مارتن بار

تاريخ السيرك السوفيتي



Vladimir Lenin, founder of USSR, Russian revolutionary, documentary footages 

قانون الثورة الروسية

The State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia - Deciphering a Revolution ‘1917: Code of a Revolution

10 سبتمبر 2017

الاستوديو المركزي للأفلام الوثائقية

csdfchannel -The Central Studio of Documentary Films

الولايات المتحدة - نموذج للنازيين

The United States — A Model for the Nazis

جورج هارت

جورج  هارت  اجتاز الصحراء الكبرى بالسيارة وقطع أفريقية من شمالها إلى جنوبها ثم  اجتياز آسيا بالسيارة حتي أفغانستان - غرض الرحلة بالصحراء إقامة خط سكة حديد بين المستعمرات الفرنسية في شمال أفريقيا ومدغشقر التي كانت تعتبر أرض فرنسية معزولة في المحيط الهندي
Trans Asiatic Harrdt Cintrogen Expedition sponsored by National Geographic and undertaken by Harrdt with his French team. During early 1920s Harrdt had traversed the Sahara  in his half track vehicles designed by Andre Citrogen . On April 4th 1931 with seven specially designed cintrogen half tracks Harrdt set off from Beirut in Lebanon in an attempt to reach yellow sea by roughly following the route of Marco Polo’s journey seven centuries earlier
 The expedition was supposed to cross the Asia from Beirut to Beijing,avoiding the Pamirs through Soviet Turkish republics in one  set of half tracks,but Soviet refusal to permit the expedition through their territory the expedition had to be divided ; one set of seven half tracks assembled on east coast of China and moved westwards and another set of seven half tracks moved from Mediterranean through Lebanon,Syria, Iraq,Iran, Afghanistan to Srinagar in India covering a distance of 5,580 kms  from Beirut to Srinagar in 81 days  between April  4th April to 31st June 1931

مشاهد نادرة للروس

ألكسندر ياكوفليف رسومات أفغانستان 1905

07 سبتمبر 2017

هار ديال

كانت الحياة الشرقية في برلين خلال الحرب خلابة جدا كانت هناك جميع دول الشرق في شوارع برلين: المغرورون الأتراك الشباب والمسيحون المصريون والفارسيون المتشددون والمتشائمون والعرب برلين كانت مكة الوطنية وكانت صلاتهم المشتركة كراهية إنجلترا وفرنسا
Oriental life in Berlin during the war was quite picturesque and many-sided. But it was something of a tragedy, as I shall have occasion to show in the sequel. There were all nations of the East in the streets of Berlin: conceited Young Turks, fussy Egyptians, acute but pessimistic Persians, nondescript Arabs, handsome Georgians and others, who fancied that the triumph of German arms would redress the wrongs of their countries. Berlin was the Mecca of Oriental patriots of all shades of opinion. Their common bond was hatred of England and France

George Grosz Enemy Of The State 1 10

The Communists Fall  1919

رسائل هوارد فيليبس لوفكرافت

Excerpts from Howard Phillips Lovecraft's Selected Letters 1911-1937

"It is because I am a complete sceptic & cynic, recognising no such qualities as good or evil, beauty or ugliness, in the ultimate structure of the universe, that I insist on the artificial & traditional values of each particular cultural stream — proximate values which grew out of the special instincts, associations, environment, & experiences of the race in question, & which are the sole available criteria for the members of that race & culture, though of course having no validity outside it. These backgrounds of tradition against which to scale the objects & events of experience are all that lend such objects & events the illusion of meaning, value, or dramatic interest in an ultimately purposeless cosmos — hence I preach & practice an extreme conservatism in art forms, society, & politics, as the only means of averting the ennui, despair, & confusion of a guideless & standardless struggle with unveiled chaos

05 سبتمبر 2017

الاتحاد الديمقراطي المسيحي الألماني 1975

Christian Democratic Union, Poster, "Come out of your left corner," Germany, 1975

الكوميديا ​​الموسيقية في القرن التاسع عشر

HIGH RESOLUTION 1 , 2 , 3 ,4 
Bachelor's Club (Klub kawalerów)Musical comedy in retro style, drawing on the tradition of vaudeville, operetta and pre-war Polish cinematography.


الشبيبة الشيوعية (الكومسومول )

مشروع السينما الألبانية

TOMKA AND HIS FRIENDS-The Albanian Cinema Project -


A short  film made by Vladimir Tamari  following the first anniversary of the occupation of Arab Jerusalem by the Israeli army at the start of the Arab Israeli War on June 5, 1967.

وفاة ستالين