26 سبتمبر 2014

American Terrorism

America has killed 650 thousand of Iraqis, without statistical mass graves
O, there’s - without sanctuary
Fascism Part II: The Rise of American Fascism 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9  


طويناها سباسب شاسعات تسير الواخدات بها حيارى
digital magazine on railway history
Moscow Metro 1 , 2 
paper graphic design from the 1920s to the 1970s
Guide to the South Manchuria Railway, 1934

"Loss of Racial Pride"

his propaganda slide depicts friendship between an Aryan woman and a black woman as a loss of racial pride. The caption says: "The experience/Racial pride fades." Germany, ca. 1933-1939
USHMM, courtesy of Marion Davy

حافة الجنون - نهاية الدست

Bobby Fischer
Bobby Fischer Against The World

German Pavilion 1937

Albert Speer
Architecture in Nazi Germany
Rare -  His Battle with Truth
Fascist architecture in Germany
Reichsminister Albert Speer




Tomorrow's Wives and Warriors

Time Lines TV
Youth in Hitler's Germany

  We lass

  Sports and camaraderie - Happiness and serious knowledge

Gift - A Day in the Life

Czeslaw Milosz
I knew no one worth my envying him
CzeslawMilosz - A Song On The End Of The World

الحب كـ السيجارة


Photography by Comrade Tovarish
Partisan Girl 1942 
ONLY+ 18 - War WWII Hanging Belarusian Partisans in Minsk (Belarus, U.S.S.R.) on 10/26/1941
Red Army Partisan Song


الحسناوات المقاتلات

Sabiha Gökçen
Long live Turkiye
We are soldier of Ataturk
We will war for our TURKIYE

Well, as the current crop, too heavy?

1955 magazine Krokodil


Shamir Brothers

Spartakiade 1933

Bolshevik to the Olympics
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7

The Poets in the Distance

If you are still alive when you read this
close your eyes. I am
under their lids, growing black

المجد للثوار

Egypt’s 1952 Revolution
military rule, a history in photos


Beyond Haji Firuz Blackface, the Slave Trade, & Bandari Music 

Really Story

"USSR National Economy" 

Political puppets then and now

Moise Kapend Tshombe

حول العالم

Archive  magazine ( Around the World) - 1934-1991


Vintage Portraits Of A Diverse Iraq

+ 18 - Man and the Sun

Nude in the "Third Reich ": body shop with nude models

13 سبتمبر 2014


طرقتْ على خطر السرى المركوبِ والليلُ بين شبيبة ومشيبِ
In western Mongolia, an ancient tradition of hunting with Golden Eagles is still alive. We know from history that Genghis Khan had 1,000 hunting birds - eagles, falcons and gyrfalcons - and so did Kubla Khan.

Society of the Spectacle 1973

مجتمع الفرجه أو المشهد-الغرب ودبي اليوم تمثل الحالة الحقيقية للمواطنين في مجتمع الفرجة في واقع خرسانة الاغتراب كما تدارالجماعية في ظل ظروف رأسمالية متوترة وقلق . "أبدا بما فيه الكفاية" الشعار الذي رفعته دبي والغرب والنتيجة تسليع المجتمع برمته من الأخلاق
The Spectacle is a social relation of false consciousness mediated by images
Extreme Guy Debord
The citizen consumes to survive, Therefore, a survival principle based around the fear of scarcity propels consumption and production. This ensures the all important creation of surplus value. The principle of the Spectacle is one of ‘never enough’. The result is a massive excess of unnecessary commodification in the name of protecting the society of the Spectacle from the horrors of scarcity. Production and consumption equals capital and capital is the universal abstraction of the Spectacle. The Spectacle is the capability of the society as a whole (as the total abstraction of the possible). Capital = image =  Spectacle = money as universal equivalent = the possible.

As You Like

A criminal 1910

Iran. Part I 1880-1950 Rare Photos

The Week 1932

Illustrierte Die Woche
1 , 2 , 3 ,  4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8

Snake 1907

snake charmer Zulma, 1907
Museum PLC Souillac Site

September 9, 2014

LeoTolstoy’s 186th Birthday

11 سبتمبر 2014

People of the Wind

Welcome to the real world
The detritus of a life
 Still travelling
 the Puncture Zone