28 فبراير 2016

إنما تنصرون وتُرزقون بالضعفاء والمساكين

Certainly a Messenger has come to you from among yourselves; grievous to him is your falling into distress, excessively solicitous respecting you; to the believers (he is) compassionate
— Qur'an

وصف الأعراق البشرية لشعوب روسيا

ethnographic description of the peoples of Russia

علينا أن نختار القمر


The journey of Russian vodka Stolichnaya to the USA
a classic piece of animation from Psyop


Rodchenko in Motion animated poster

اللعبة السياسية الأكثر شهرة في أوروبا 1985

The most famous of the political game in Europe in 1985

27 فبراير 2016

25 فبراير 2016




Navigate the timeline of Iranian history by using the dots on the left-hand side

1924 سجلات دزيجا فيرتوف اشهر مخرج وثائقي

MOSCOW- Images from the newsreel "Kino-Eye." Directed by Dziga Vertov. 1924. Music: Andrew Mitroshin / Milky Toad

أفلام منزلية حول العالم 1960-1980

The greatest home movie collection in the world -footage 60s-80s

ايتار-تاس: 110 سنة من التاريخ الوكالة في صور

ITAR-TASS: 110 years of agency history in pictures

المنشق السوفيتي بيزمينوف مسؤول البروباجندا السوفيتية الاعلامية

Soviet dissident Bezmenov official Soviet propaganda media
Tomas Schuman - Yuri Bezmenov
Yuri Bezmenov love letter to america pdf

24 فبراير 2016

سريالية الموت

One of cinema's most visionary surrealists
The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia- surrealist

روسيا بوتين

بوليتكوفسكايا اغتالتها المخابرات الروسية لمعارضتها الحروب التي تخضها حكومتها في الشيشان وسوريا
Politkovskaya Killed by Russian intelligence for its opposition to the war 

رقص الجوقة السوفيتية

Hot Russian Dance Pyatnitsky Choir

أغاني الحرب الأهلية الروسية 1917

Soviet musical animated film in 1971
Variations on the theme of popular songs of the Civil War, and the songs of the Civil War

مع نظريات المؤامرة

داخل الرايخ الثالث

22 فبراير 2016

قبلة الاشتراكيين

I don't think that girl thought about what people think now
Leonid Brezhnev

الاضاءات 1935 موسكو

Evening illuminations May 1, 1935

روبرت بيرزيج قصة أب وأبنه قطع امريكا بالدراجة النارية

الأرض تصوغ نفسها تحتي وتنتعش وترتفع وتتمايل على كل جانب كأمواج البحر
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance : Robert pirsig the story of a father and son cut America motorcycle

21 فبراير 2016

مهرجان موسكو للسلام

Moscow Peace Festival the Music 1989 

نجوم الكرملين 1935 تم تركيبها

Moscow,  Red Star history 80 years ago, in the period from 24 to 27 October 1935, on the four towers of the Moscow Kremlin's first five-pointed stars were installed.

المواد الترويجية للدول "الستار الحديدي" و "العالم الحر"

The Soviet Union tried to sell their cars abroad. Not only in socialist countries, but also in the capitalist countries. And, sometimes.Below are the promotional materials for the countries of the "Iron Curtain" and the "free world"

عملاق رودس عجائب الدنيا السبع القديمة

الأعداء,الصداقات والتحالفات فيما بين الناس والأمم-أمبرتو إيكو يعلمنا

Based on an extraordinary picture book for all ages by Umberto Eco and Eugenio Carmi, Three Astronauts is a moving and thoughtful metaphor about enemies, friendships and alliances between and among people, nations and alternative universes

جائزة الأكاديمية لفنون وعلوم الصور المتحركة

The Student Academy Awards is the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences


20 فبراير 2016

إلفيس بريسلي كردي

Elvis Presley Kurdish

Аrmy of Bukhara emirate 1900-1920

The History of Costume by Braun & Scheider. 1861-1880


التنافس الأنجلو الروسية في آسيا الوسطى - الدراويش صور الجاسوس برونيسلاف - الهندو كوش
Anglo-Russian rivalry in Central Asia - the dervishes spy photos Bronislaw - Indo Kush

مشروع "شوارع أفغانستان"

Exploring the "Streets ofAfghanistan" with author Shannon Galpin

عرب. جزيره العرب. ابتداء من القرن العشرين

The old man Bedouin. Arabs.Beginning of the twentieth century.

أمة الصحراء

Thesiger's Journeys in Arabia - United Arab Emirates and Oman, Spring 1948
Thesiger's Journeys in Arabia - Dubai to Bahrain, 1948
Thesiger's Journeys in Arabia - United Arab Emirates Winter, 1948-49
Thesiger's Journeys in Arabia - United Arab Emirates and Oman, Spring 1949
Thesiger's Journeys in Arabia - United Arab Emirates and Oman, Winter 1949-50

19 فبراير 2016

الاتحاد السوفيتي يبيع السيارات ليس في البلدان الاشتراكية فقط، أيضا الرأسمالية

The Soviet Union tried to sell their cars abroad. Not only in socialist countries, but also in the capitalist countries. And, sometimes, it's nice to go. Below are a showcase for Sweden, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Great Britain and Germany

بلادي وشعبي 1935 لين يوتانغ

My country and my people in 1935 Lin Yutang

فى مدح الموت جوزيه ساراماغو

José Saramago - Death with Interruptions 

"أناشيد مالدورور"

The Masters of Horror (4) LAUTRÉAMONT's THE SONGS OF MALDOROR - went down in history as one of the single most intriguing and important texts of French Literature. It shaped whole artistic movements, notably the Surrealist movement and single handedly immortalized its author
"أناشيد مالدورور".. لوتريامون - ترجم مقطع الأسفل بالعربي
.I am filthy. I am riddled with lice. Hogs, when they look at me, vomit. My skin is encrusted with the scabs and scales of leprosy, and covered with yellow pus.[...] A family of toads has taken up residence in my left armpit and, when one of them moves, it tickles. Mind one of them does not escape and come and scratch the inside of your ear with its mouth; for it would then be able to enter your brain. In my right armpit there is a chameleon which is perpetually chasing them, to avoid starving to death: everyone must live.[...] My anus has been penetrated by a crab; encouraged by my sluggishness, he guards the entrance with his pincers, and causes me a lot of pain

أفغانستان سالانغ باس 1961 على صفحات أوغونيوك

Afghanistan's Salang Pass 1961 OGONIOK

رجال القبائل الأفغانية- منمنمات