23 أغسطس 2016

اضرب الحديد وهو حامي

Strike while the iron is hot - the art of poster

عمل ثوري لمكافحة السرطان

الفاشية الأمريكية كما هنري فورد ودونالد ترامب

Russian Life

The Spine of Russia - Mordasov -Russian Life

the Last Fighting Tommy

Music Studio - Part 1 of 2


Revolutionaries in living color by klimbims

قلنسوة مونوماخ رمز السلطة القيصرية الروسية

Monomakh's Cap , also called the Golden Cap (Shapka Zolotaya), is a chief relic of the Russian Grand Princes and Tsars .It is a symbol-crown of the Russian autocracy, and is the oldest of the crowns currently exhibited at the Kremlin Armoury

10 أغسطس 2016



"لا شيء"

Every year, you ask Dad what he wants for Father’s Day and he says“Nothing.”