12 يناير 2012


 Kasandzaka Grock

لعلي ولدت روحيًا في أحد أيام الشتاء القصيرة، فقد تغلغل الليل بسرعة في كينونتي، أستطيع تحقيق حياتي فقط في أجواء الخيبة والإهمال..عندما تعيش غريبا في ارض غريبة..اللاطمانينة.

يعتقد أنه مخلوق صغير..نعم .. سأحاول أن أصنع مخلوقًا صغيرًا، أحمله بين ذراعي، مخلوق صغير في خيالي، وحين أرى بؤس الشيء الذي صنعته، وكم هو يشبهني، سأكله، ثم أصبح وحيدًا وقتًا طويلاً.. تعيسًا، جاهلاً بالصلوات التي يجب أن أتلوها، ولمن أتلوها...

Grock (January 10, 1880 – July 14, 1959), born Charles Adrien Wettach, was a Swiss Clown, composer and musician. Called "the king of clowns" and "the greatest of Europe's clowns", Grock was once the most highly paid entertainer in the world.

كيف تم وصفه باختصار..

Mr. Walkley said:
Grock ... is a sort of clown. Yet no; one must distinguish. There are clowns and there is Grock. For Grock happens to be an artist, and the artist is always an individual. After all, as an individual artist, he must have invented himself. It was a remarkably happy invention. . . . Victor Hugo (and the theme would not have been unworthy of that lyre) would have described it as a series of antitheses. It is genial and macabre, owlishly stupid and Machiavcllianly astute, platypode and feather-light, cacophonous and divinely musical. Grock's first act is a practical antithesis. A strange creature with a very high and very bald cranium (you think of what Fitzgerald said of James Spedding's: 'No wonder no hair can grow at such an altitude') and in very baggy breeches waddles in with an enormous portmanteau, which proves to contain a fiddle no larger than your hand. The creature looks more simian than human, but is graciously affable—another Sir Oran Hautton, with fiddle substituted for Sir Oran's flute and French horn

Grock here

ثمّة راهب و جزار يتشاجران داخل كل رغبة

Long before American institutions like Clarabelle or Ronald McDonald, the venerated art of scaring the bejesus out of little children took shape in circuses across Europe. I submit for your approval, the evil clowns of the continent. Why stick with just four horses for the Apocalypse? Why not use a tiny car?

Nothing makes a child laugh quite like a man with eyes painted on his eyelids, along with some paedophiliac hobo makeup

كنت هناك يوما ما, كان هناك مايكفي من الحياة

"إن عبقرية التهريج هو تحويل قليلا ، ومضايقات يومية، وليس فقط التغلب، ولكن في الواقع تحويل هذه الى شيء غريب ورائع... هو القدرة على استخراج طرب للملايين من لا شيء وأقل من لا شيء ".

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