05 يناير 2013

Great Expectations

Not Drowning, Waving

- صور الفيديو خاصة  للضابط الاسنرالي  kiap التعريف لها هنــا  في بابوا غينيا الجديدة
عندما قام بجولة هناك.

Kiaps -  history 

Australian Patrol Officers, or 'Kiaps', played a major role in the post-war development of New Guinea. Their role commenced in the uncertain days following World War 11 when the Trust Territory of New Guinea and the Australian Territory of Papua came under the joint administraion of Australia, and it continued through to 1975 with the proud independence of the new nation of Papua New Guinea

أفضل وصف للحرب الاهلية من قبل ديكنسون

that civil war described by Emily Dickinson when she wrote

I felt a cleaving in my mind
As if my brain had split
I tried to match it seam by seam
But could not make it fit

اقتبسوا رواية ديكنز الامال الكبيرة 1860- 1861 واسقاطها على الحرب الاهلية هنا في افريقيا
المتعلقة في الطفل اليتيم الذ ينشأ ووسط الحرب الاهلية وحتى بلوغه ومحاولته لإدراك النبل أثناء مسيرته

تشارلز ديكنز آمال عظيمة كنصه الوحيد في تعليم الأطفال، ومع تعلق الأطفال بالكتاب وبه تنشأ صدامات أولا بينه وبين بعض الأمهات ثم، وهو الأخطر، مع القوات الحكومية التي تتعقب الثوار .

أغلب الأحداث السياسية ووصفه للعنف كالأحداث المأساوية للتعذيب والاغتصاب والتشويه، مبني علي أحداث حقيقية سمعها جونز أثناء عمله صحفيا يقوم بعمل تحقيق الحرب التي دارت بين حكومة بابوا غينيا الجديدة وثوار جزيرة بوجاينفيل المطالبين بالاستقلال ودامت عشر سنوات

النص الأصلي
Great Expectations Charles Dick all chapter (s) here

السنوات السوداء – الخمسينيات ......

In 1952, native females were again on the Director’s mind. His memorandum of 15 August, addressed to “all members of District Services and Native Affairs field staff” stated

Reports reaching me recently, indicate that is timely to
make it quite clear that it is contrary to administration policy for officers
to have sexual relations with native women, and that disciplinary action, with
a view to dismissal from the service, will be taken against any officer so
offending. ... I regret that the actions of a few have made the issue of this
general warning necessary. … An officer who is guilty of either of these
actions is unfit to remain in the Service

I am deeply concerned to think that the offence should
have been treated as a minor one … It should have been dealt with … as a
serious offence no matter what extenuating circumstances may have existed … I
cannot accept “lack of amenity and company” on an isolated station as a factor
of mitigation. … I [have] issued instructions … that in all cases of this
nature and under any circumstances the offence will be treated as a serious

National Archives pays tribute to PNG kiaps

Look here  and here 

A career with a challenge: Australian patrol officers in Papua and New Guinea


    Of australia link 

New Guinea Patrol (1958)

movinghistory here

This lavishly shot film follows Australian patrol officer Jim Sinclair and his team as they set off into the inhospitable mountains of New Guinea. The film captures the first contact between the local people and foreigners
THIRTY-FIVE YEARS after PNG gained independence on 16 September 1975, the National Archives of Australia is  paying tribute to the 2000 Australians who served there as patrol officers (kiaps) between 1949 and 1974.

Visiting flickr site 

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