21 مارس 2013

ماذا نحتاج لكي يعود السلم والوئام؟

More images here and post here 

الأرشيف الروسي لمكافحة الكحول منذ أيام القيصرية حتي حقبة السوفيت – طبعا هذه بوسترات تحتاجها وزارة الداخلية الكويتة لتوعية قيادييها – رغم اني اصلا موافق وبشدة على مقترح بومريوم هنا لحل مشاكل البلد.

Some Facts about Vodka in the USSR
In Soviet society waged propaganda struggle with alcoholism. Wrote about it in the press, making a documentary. Did not pass this subject, and this type of graphic art as a poster
So there is nothing to joke with booze,
It must batters
Passionately, angrily
Peck daily
At every step
Do not give the enemy a break
Soviet posters here are against drinking, anti-alcoh

الصراع في روسيا القيصرية - البداية
A pair of posts on the two pressing problems 
Historic photographs illustrate combat alcohol in Russia
Here are scenes of the historical development of the long conflict

Healthier parents - healthy offspring. Beat the enemy of the Cultural Revolution. Hardly need list for admission into the hospital, "the capital." It is too late - stop. Slogans on the posters were full of Soviet times, promoting the fight against drinking and acting against alcohol. Posters often in a humorous way depicted scenes from the life of alcoholics. In principle, this is also an art.

Poison brew poisons health workers!

Michael Tomsky, once said, “We’ll find a bullet for you too”, and so at once condemned himself out of his own mouth. In 
vino veritas
الشقاء دائما لاهل الجنوب
The thing is that organism of northern people (those, who live in snow and frost all their life) can’t cope with vodka properly as they are not used to have spirit in blood (southern people get it in a very tiny dose from vegetables and fruit when digest these products, and so have a special ferment to neutralize it), so, they become drunkards right after the first or second glass.

ليس بالخبز وحده يحيا الانسان:)
Several thousands of children would come out with posters, which were saying “Daddy, don’t drink”, “Daddy, come home sober”, “Bread, not Vodka”. It was a real anti-alcohol crusade, and it could spread further and further, but in the thirties Stalin cut down on the campaign.

سوف يغرق الروس الثورة في الفودكا
Lenin say that Russian would drown the revolution in vodka.

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