30 مارس 2013

اعمدة الحكمة السبعة

لقد كان اصل هذة الشعوب العربية بالنسبة لنا نحن معشر الاوربيين قضية اكاديمية
have been so violently uprooted and plunged so deeply into a job too big for me, that everything feels unreal. I have dropped all I ever did, and live only as a thief of opportunity, snatching chances of the moment when and where I see them. My people have probably told you that the job is to foment an Arab rebellion against Turkey, and for that I have to try and hide my frankish exterior, and be as little out of the Arab picture as I can. So it’s a kind of foreign stage, on which one plays day and night, in fancy dress, in a strange language with the price of failure on one’s head if the part is not well filled.
-T.E. Lawrence to Vyvyan Richards - Cairo - July, 1918

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